“My experiences with this class have played a major role in reclaiming my physicality and mobility."
- Dance for PD participant, NYC
"I was filled with great joy. I was able to take the whole class and walked out feeling accomplished."
- Dance for PD participant, NYC
"If there is anything that calls for expression, demonstration, drama, movement, expression and liveliness it is dance."
- Luanne, Berkeley, CA
"I did not have to explain to anyone why I moved differently and that was such a freeing feeling."
- Dance for PD participant, NYC
"It has helped my concentration, grasping power and memory thus leaving me more confident"
- Dance for PD participant, Pune, India
"The improvement in mobility and increased energy impact every part of my life."
- Dance for PD participant, NYC

“The classes help me feel physically better, which helps my mood. It helps with my balance and gait issues.
- Dance for PD participant, NYC
“When I’m in dance class, I feel like I don’t have Parkinson’s any more.”
- Carroll, NYC
“The class provides a feeling that some of my future life incorporates opportunities that will be fulfilling."
- Dance for PD participant, NYC
"The focus is not illness; it is living. It is self-expression, human connection, beauty, love. It’s magic."
- Dance for PD participant, NYC
“During class I feel something like elation...the absence of the feeling of discomfort that accompanies PD.”
- Dance for PD participant, NYC
“It’s Carnegie Hall compared to Bellevue Hospital.”
- Dance for PD participant, NYC