Bowen Fund for Growth

Microgrants that support new programs around the world

Bowen Fund for Growth

About the Fund

The Lucy Bowen Fund for Growth offers microgrants to jumpstart Dance for Parkinson's programs in new communities or to launch new programs in communities where Dance for PD is already present but is not engaging diverse constituents.
Apply today
Who is eligible?

Who is eligible?

Any Dance for PD-trained teacher in the world is eligible to apply for a Bowen microgrant on their own or through an organizational partner. Teachers must have completed both the prerequisite online course and a training workshop to be eligible to receive funding. At least one member of the applicant team must be a Dance for PD member in good standing.

For whom is the award named?

For whom is the award named?

The award honors the ongoing work of choreographer and Dance for PD teaching artist Lucy Bowen McCauley, whose artistic vision always placed community engagement front and center. As the Artistic Director of Bowen McCauley Dance for 25 years, Bowen McCauley created a vast repertoire of work while building a network of Dance for PD programs in the DC area from the ground up.

Award description, terms and conditions

The Lucy Bowen Fund for Growth offers microgrants to jumpstart Dance for Parkinson’s programs in new communities or to launch new programs in communities where Dance for PD is already present but is not engaging diverse constituents. These microgrants, distributed quarterly in amounts of $500-$2,000, may be used to promote new programming, cover costs related to a pilot series, and establish palpable community need that can then be leveraged for additional financial support through grants or individuals.

Any Dance for PD-trained teacher in the world, and any organization that engages Dance for PD-trained teachers, is eligible to apply for a Bowen microgrant on their own or under the umbrella of an organizational partner. Teachers must have completed both the prerequisite online course and a Dance for PD or Dance for PD-affiliated training workshop to be eligible to receive funding. At least one member of the applicant team must be a Dance for PD member in good standing and must maintain their membership through the grant term.

Application process
Interested candidates must submit an online application that indicates how they plan to utilize the grant funds. The application requests a statement of project goals, a timetable, budget, a list of partners, and benchmarks for success. You may preview a list of all application questions here. This is a preview of questions only – candidates must apply though the Bowen Fund application form linked below.

Fund distribution
The recipient of the funds must be a registered non-profit organization, registered charitable organization, registered NGO or equivalent, or LLC in the country where the program is based. We cannot issue funding to individuals.

Review process
Applications will be reviewed based on the following attributes: Does the new program meet a specific and palpable community need? Does the new program provide new opportunities for people to experience Dance for PD classes? Does the project expand the Dance for PD network? Is the applicant’s plan realistic and practical? Can the project team execute the plan in a timely and effective way?

We will review and approve grants on a quarterly basis, with announcements distributed each January, April, July, and October. For consideration for the next quarter, applications must be received by the following dates:

For January – Deadline is November 30
For April – Deadline is February 28
For July – Deadline is May 31
For October – Deadline is August 31

Applications that meet a minimum score will automatically be resubmitted for consideration for up to two additional quarters. After three quarters have passed, you will be notified either that your application has been accepted or turned down. If your application has not been accepted, you must wait at least six months before reapplying.

Grant policies
Microgrants must be used for free in-person Dance for PD-based community classes or workshops. Even if you’re planning to charge a fee for participation in the future, classes supported by the grant must be free of charge. In addition, microgrants may be used for any of the following:

  • – Pilot class costs, including fees for teachers, musicians and space rental
  • – Promotional costs, including the creation of flyers and brochures, etc.
  • – Insurance for teaching artists
  • – Administrative costs directly related to the development of new programs
  • – Expansion of an existing program to a new community (for example, creating a Spanish-speaking program in a different neighborhood to supplement existing English-speaking programming)
  • – An open house, film screening or community event introducing people to the Dance for PD program
  • – Specialized equipment to support safe delivery of classes, including the purchase of chairs and barres
  • – Other needs that support the program (detailed in application)

Microgrants may not be used for the following:

  • – Funding existing programs only
  • – Producing performance events for people living with Parkinson’s (you are encouraged to apply for the Lucy Bowen Award for Inclusive Choreography)
  • – Coordinating research projects not directly related to the establishment of new Dance for PD classes
  • – Administrative overhead not directly related to the specific pilot project for which you’re applying
  • – Supporting programs not led by Dance for PD-trained teachers
  • – Supporting other exercise classes in modalities other than dance
  • – Capital projects to enhance accessibility (ramps, automated doors etc.)

Mentoring and reporting
Grantees will be required to have at least one call with Lucy Bowen within 45 days of receiving the grant to receive guidance and to report status. Further status calls may be required throughout the process.

A brief final report will be required. The report, submitted through an online form, must outline the activities covered through the microgrant, with clear evidence of deliverables (class flyer, attendance record, photographs of activity).

Program execution and funding timeline
Microgrants must be used within 6 months of approval. A no-cost of extension of 3 months may be considered on a case-by-case basis. Grants will be paid 75% upfront, with the final 25% of funds released after the submission of the final report.

Apply for the Bowen Fund for Growth

Applications will be reviewed quarterly.